Failing supply chains are expensive to operate and hurt customer good will. In certain situations they reach can be in a crisis situation. These projects require support from consultants who can quickly right the ship and who can correct short and medium term root cause issues. We can help.

Turnaround & Crisis SupportYour only as good as the weakest links…


SCG can work with you to:

  • Rapidly assess and identify both service issues and turnaround benefits across the business.
  • Put together a rapid, priority based business case and then corresponding implementation roadmap for turnaround.
  • Using Lean Six Sigma, identify and correct root cause issues.
  • Execute turnaround project activities including implementation of new processes and technology, organization changes, and other key projects.

Our team has experience in corporate turnarounds as well as crisis situations. Unfortunately crises can effect well run operations. We bring proven turnaround methods, templates, cost/benefit models, and years of experience to rapidly identify cause and improve your operations.